In a changing world, it is imperative today to develop deep-rooted strategic engagement of nations for mutual benefit, pence and prosperity. This is exactly the policy that Modi government is pursuing. In the contest of how India should engage with the world, Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation, said, “the culture of all the lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet”.

India is equipped with big bunk (if factors in its favour – intellectual power, research bent of mind, age-old entrepreneur, ship, vibrant and deep-rooted democracy, rich culture and heritage, high degree of religious tolerance, peace loving citizens, internationally recognised legal/ accounting systems, rich natural resources, self-reliant agriculture and many more. From this, it is quite evident that India just cannot be ignored in the world scenario, not only in terms of its area and population, but also in terms of its economic prowess. On the state of the global economy, Christine Lagarde, Managing Director, IMF, has this to say, “Among emerging economies, if there is any growth that is in India. India is among the few bright spots in the global economy.”

It is a well proven fact that lace-to-face interaction is by far the most result-oriented option than exchanging official mail via electronic and other media. American writer, Felicia Hay, was not off the mark when she said, “Social media is an amazing tool, but it’s really the face-to-face interaction that makes a long-term impact”. The storm created by Prime Minister Modi by forging long-term strategic relationship with the world leaders, during his visits to diverse part of the globe, is bound to have positive consequences and this redefined trajectory is set to enter a new orbit.

Narendra Modi government has provided the right vision, ensuring stability in policies and robust direction. Now it is a challenge and responsibility of all the citizens of India to develop the flexibility to achieve optimal results. The ups and downs arc bound to come, hut these would need to be overcome. A classic example of this is a flock of birds flying in exact formation. The birds dynamically change their course here and there, but they still manage to maintain the trajectory by error-free teamwork to reach their destination.

Technology has made the world smaller and hence the right engagement is perhaps single most characteristic which defines the country in a winner’s seat. Eduardo Paes, the Brazilian author, states, “Globalisation has produced a new level of interdependence among us. Economic integration is the first strong evidence of a new era.”