Businesses today cannot grow without the vision of management and abilities of its people. The manager of today has to enable the creation, acceptance and implementation of this vision. The consumer needs, competition, technology and environment are changing at a fast pace. The business leaders have to be observant, creative and proactive in their search for quick responses to the changes.
This book focuses on the qualities and processes that need to be imbibed by practicing managers, especially middle level and above, to keep ahead in the race for excellence. The book gives practical insights and tips to enable management professionals to introspect and realize their growth potential.
The desirable leadership qualities such as Power of Observation; Ability to Analyze and Interpret; Being Creative and Innovative; Being Proactive, etc. have been discussed in detail. ‘Management by Walking’ facilitates the practicing of these qualities in a non-obtrusive manner.
The book offers a strong message that the corporate war cannot be won from the Boardroom. It can only be won in the management battlefield, which is the marketplace or production area or technology development area or customer support area, depending on the goal or target.
The book describes that an integral role of the management professionals is to encourage and facilitate the contribution and collection of inputs from all the team members through collaboration. Motivation and loyalty are the other by-products of collaboration.
The book emphasizes that motivational leadership goes a long way in inspiring and achieving high levels of productivity and loyalty from not only one’s teams, but from business partners as well. Time spent in understanding the motivational criteria is like a fixed deposit that continues to give its returns for a long period.
The book Management by Walking initiates the reader into the journey of learning and adapting to the dynamically changing needs of the businesses. A must read for managers, business leaders, entrepreneurs, bureaucrats and academicians.
Dr AK Agarwal is a technocrat with over 30 years of experience in augmenting the growth in hi-tech companies and in spearheading successful global business alliances. He has developed deep insights in innovating resilient leadership. He has travelled to diverse parts of the globe, extensively interacted with the international business community and intelligently carved out a niche in technology management and innovation, within the conceptual framework of flexibility. Dr Agarwal is a perfect blend of philanthropist, industrialist and academician. He has a representation in various professional bodies – at national and international levels.
Over the past two decades, India has rapidly expanded engagement with the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) into a full strategic partnership.
Just within two decades, ASEAN-India relations have grown rapidly from a sectoral dialogue partnership to a full dialogue partnership and a strategic partnership in 2012. ASEAN always views India as a key element in the evolving regional architecture.
ASEAN, which started with five member countries and later spread its wings to ten members, is an important part of India’s vision of an open, mutual, inclusive and rules-based security architecture in the Asia-Pacific region where disputes are resolved through dialogue and diplomacy.
Deepening of ties between India and ASEAN is reflected in the continued buoyancy in trade figures.
India’s advent as a major power internationally should be seen as an asset by ASEAN countries as it can raise the reputation of the country multi-fold. The countries should view that the opportunities that India brings would also lead to opportunities in their own countries along with a healthy and peaceful Asian order.
It would be best for Indian policy makers to ensure stability in the region, maintain cooperation between the countries and indirectly help in achieving objective of more trade that would boost the economy and provide employment to people in both ASEAN and India.
Since it renamed ‘Look East’ as ‘Act East’ in 2014, the Indian Government has sought a more dynamic and action-oriented approach in its relations with ASEAN.
Asean continues to be the cornerstone of ‘Act East’, and the special summit next year in January is expected to further underscore the point.
Lack of transport connectivity with some ASEAN countries is a serious handicap because connectivity is only as strong as its weakest link. While India has been actively pursuing the implementation of the India-Myanmar-Thailand Trilateral Highway and the Kaladan Multimodal Project, issues related to increasing the maritime and air connectivity between ASEAN and India and transforming the corridors of connectivity into economic corridors need to be taken forward.
This book by Dr AK Agarwal, who has also penned previous bestsellers ‘Management by Walking’ and ‘Indian Industrialisation – Trajectory Redefined’, is the outgrowth of a conviction that the history of ASEAN, which dates back to 1967 when it came into being, and the ties of India with the member countries of the regional grouping should be seen in a new light amid the changing global scenario.
From one standpoint it would be preferable to chronicle ASEAN’s odyssey in giving a push to economic growth and social progress in the Southeast Asian region from the world’s eyes as well as from the perspective of the Indo-ASEAN leadership, which also serves as a barometer of the world’s prosperity. The purpose of the book is didactic as well as it would enable its readers to trace the grouping’s footprints during the last 50 years.
The author has had no hesitation in interspersing examples through 12 chapters and drawing his own conclusions at the end of each chapter.
As regards the member countries of ASEAN, the author has tried his best to throw light on their interlinks and their growing ties with India.
Much more could have been added to this book that would have proved a very interesting reading, but he has had to be content with all these facts which have been gathered with painstaking efforts for which he deserves accolades as well as encomia.
I am sure that this book would be found useful not only for those who keep a hawk’s eye on the changing dynamism of the world but also for those who have a major say in the policymaking decisions in Southeast Asia.
Dr Agarwal has rightly pointed out that a sturdy and strapping Indo-Asean leadership will pave the way for a lasting peace and prosperity across the globe and the fragrance of this bond will waft through every nook and cranny, resulting in reining in various malaises afflicting the world at present like economic upheavals, uncertainty, unpredictability, climatic calamities, moral degradation, violent extremism and terrorism and environmental degradation, among others.
The book, written in simple language, also dwells on India’s cultural, economic and political relations with ASEAN countries as they carry long traditions with them.
Dr Agarwal presents this book with a hope that someone in the future will follow up this history, and, with what little he has been able to assemble in this edition, will be able to set forth a more worthy and complete account of the Indo-ASEAN lineage.
I am of firm belief that the readers will feel delighted in scanning these pages.
Dato’ Hidayat Abdul Hamid,
High Commissioner of Malaysia in India
“The book provides insights of ASEAN and Indo-ASEAN leadership in a simple language and elucidated manner. The book is well distilled and intelligently written.”
– Dr Frank-Jurgen Richter
Chairman- Horasis, Switzerland & Former Director – World Economic Forum
“The book is truly relevant and fruitful in improving relations among India and ASEAN countries on all fronts.”
Dr Ketut Suastika
Rector, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia
“The book is a repository of knowledge to be passed on as heirloom to posterity.”
Sandeep Jajodia,
President, The Associated Chambers of Commerce & Industry of India (ASSOCHAM)